Midland at Home
P.O. Box 20724
Indianapolis, IN 46220
For Federal income tax purposes, Midland House Inc.(dba “Midland at Home”) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered in the State of Indiana.
Midland at Home has three main initiatives:
Midland maintains a Benevolence Fund for Christian Scientists who desire care from a Journal-listed Christian Science Nurse. Those who seek Christian Science healing and are working with a Christian Science practitioner may request assistance when Christian Science nursing services are also necessary.
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Christian Science nurses provide skillful, non-medical physical care for anyone relying exclusively on Christian Science for healing. Finding a Christian Science nurse who meets the needs of your situation demonstrates God’s care and guidance, and maintains a spiritual atmosphere for healing.
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P.O. Box 20724
Indianapolis, IN 46220
For Federal income tax purposes, Midland House Inc.(dba “Midland at Home”) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered in the State of Indiana.
In her article, What Christmas Means to Me, Mrs. Eddy wrote, “Christmas to me is the reminder of God’s great gift, -His spiritual idea, man and the universe….” This gift is Christian Science healing; the Comforter promised by Jesus.
As we reflect on this Christmas season, we are grateful for many things. One of those is the services of Christian Science nurses. Midland-at-Home’s benevolent fund is available to support the training of Christian Scientists that would like to nurture a ministry in this healing art. The Christian Science nurse is receptive to the Christ fully equipped with inspiration and expectation of healing when assisting others. The Christian Science nurse enters the sickroom with their thought spiritualized, uplifted, and free from fear or anything that would attempt to limit or thwart this most holy of activities. He or she also has the practical knowledge, wisdom, and skill to care for the patients’ physical needs. In other words, the Christian Science nurse brings the Christ into the sickroom.
We owe a great, deep, and heartfelt debt of gratitude to those fine Christian Science nurses who are devoted to caring for the needs of those relying solely on Christian Science for healing. Midland-at-Home has been able to financially support training for a few nurses here in Indiana the past two years. We would like others interested to contact us for more information.