Christian Science Nursing in Indiana and surrounding communities in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and Kentucky (317) 759-1956

Financial & Legal Assistance

Christian Science Nursing Financial Assistance

It is the right of each Christian Scientist to demonstrate the healing power of Truth and Love. Sometimes practical wisdom also requires the services of a Christian Science nurse. Our desire is that those seeking Christian Science healing, who require proper nursing care, should not be deprived of those services for financial reasons alone. Further, it’s a privilege for the Christian Science community to come together to support their “brother-man” to access Christian Science nursing care.

Midland at Home Benevolence Fund

Midland maintains a Benevolence Fund to provide financial assistance to Christian Scientists receiving Christian Science treatment by a Journal listed Christian Science practitioner and desiring care from a Journal listed Christian Science Nurse (or under the supervision of a Journal listed Christian Science Nurse).

Objectives of the Fund
  • Promote immediacy in healing by financially supporting access to a spiritual environment conducive to healing.
  • Support Article VIII, Section 31 of The Manual of the Mother Church, “Christian Science Nurse.”
  • To care for our own – Christian Scientists helping Christian Scientists.
  • Assist in demonstrating, for all mankind, the efficacy of Christian Science healing.

Those who have gone through the process of requesting assistance from the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN), and still require additional funds, may apply to the Midland Fund.

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Financial Assistance Application

Frequently Asked Questions

Who qualifies for assistance?

Christian Scientists living in Indiana and nearby communities in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois who desire Christian Science nursing care and who have established financial need through an application process may qualify.

Applicants must be getting care from a qualified Christian Science Nurse* at home or in a facility, and must be working with a Journal listed Christian Science practitioner. The fund benefits individuals by payment directly to the facility, nurse or practitioner or through reimbursement for expenses directly incurred by the individual for their care. Midland at Home is a secondary source of aid.

Those who have gone through the process of requesting assistance from the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN) and still require additional funds, may apply to the Midland Fund.

* One should be working with a Christian Science Nurse. Our guidelines for a Christian Science nurse are as stated in the Manual of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, MA, Article VIII, Section 31.”

How is Eligibility Determined?

An application establishing genuine need and commitment to spiritual healing is submitted to the Midland Board. The application must be signed by the facility representative or the Christian Science Nurse who is providing the home care. Every applicant and their nursing case are handled with the utmost confidentiality.

The Midland Board makes the determination based on individual need and available resources. Primary responsibility for meeting the nursing costs rests with the patient/family/custodian, who is encouraged to explore every possible avenue of support from their Branch Church, Christian Science student association, insurance, deferred payment options, and assignment of assets.

We help defray nursing costs only, not associated bills such as food, lodging, assisted living, or rest and study.

How does Midland at Home differ from other funds?

Medicare does not provide assistance for home nursing. There are also restrictions on the use of Medicare in nursing facilities. Short stays and long stays may not qualify for Medicare.

National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN)  The NFCSN is a benevolence fund that can assist Christian Science nursing patients in the United States who cannot pay the full cost of their care. The fund can help in any situation where a Christian Science nurse is needed, including in-home care and facilities. NFCSN grants can help pay costs associated with Christian Science nursing facilitiesChristian Science private-duty nurses, nursing supplies and equipment, travel expenses, and related Christian Science practitioner invoices. While this may not pay for all costs associated with care, these grants can be an aid to those individuals who are seeking and finding healing through Christian Science.

The Principal Foundation distributes funds to individuals nationwide. Grants may be for education, employment, repairs, rent as well as nursing care.

The Dominion Foundation distributes its funds to individuals nationwide specifically to support Christian Science in-home nursing only.

Midland at Home offers help for Christian Science nursing for Christian Scientists in the Indiana area. It specifically includes in-home nursing, which is less costly than using a facility.  It also can support nursing at a facility.

How can I get more information and an application form?

On the Web:

Call: (317) 759-1956

Write: Midland at Home, P.O. Box 20724, Indianapolis, IN 46220

Download the Application for Financial Assistance
You can complete all applicable sections right on the page.  Then print it out and mail it to:  Midland at Home, P.O. Box 20724, Indianapolis, IN 46220 or scan it and email it to

Legal Assistance

Recently Midland at Home has given much thought regarding the legal requirements for Christian Scientists wishing to have care. One of the tools to assure this care is an Advanced Directive. We have an Indiana Advanced Directive here. Please go to Riper Years website for more information, at As in every situation, you should also consult with an attorney when seeking legal advice as Midland-at-home cannot provide you with specific legal advice.